Successful First Backpacks for Brainiacs Fundraiser!

Hi All,

We have some exciting news to share!

Thank you all for your support and donations in making the First Annual Backpack Drive by Backpacks for Brainiacs a great success! We were originally aiming for 15-20 backpacks and ended up being able to put together 25 fully loaded backpacks, non-perishable snacks, additional supplies, and a cash donation to support the great work done by the ladies at the Nova Vita Domestic Violence Shelter in Brantford, Ontario.
Your donations, help and support will go a long way towards providing elementary and high school students with the confidence and tools required to start the year off on equal footing and to be able to focus on education. Even more so, you’ve provided the mothers of these students with peace of mind, knowing they have one less thing to worry about.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for everything you have all helped with and keep an eye out for Backpacks for Brainiacs because the effort has just started, we have a lot more work to do!

We have since spoken to the Volunteer Coordinator at the Nova Vita Shelter and all of the children are extremely thankful, happy and excited with the backpacks they were given; as well as a note of encouragement that was left for all of the children.

Thank you once again for the difference you are making in helping these children!

Pictured above: Blerina Ago (Founder), Arber Ago & Anisa Shembitraku (Volunteers)