3rd Annual Fundraiser – LARCH After School Program

Hello All! I’m very excited to announce the 3rd Annual Backpacks for Brainiacs Fundraiser.

Two years ago I started a Non Profit Charity called Backpacks for Brainiacs. The purpose of B4B is to help provide underprivileged children and youth with the necessary school supplies they need to succeed in school. We know that we can’t alleviate every struggle, however we believe at the very least we can help to allow these students start the school year at the same level playing field as those who are more fortunate.

This year, with Covid-19, many charities have been hit extremely hard, with funding being one of the largest problems they have run into. I’m really excited and proud to share with you guys the organization I will be fundraising for this year, as it is near and dear to my heart. I will be fundraising a goal of $5000 for the LARCH After School Program based out of Hamilton, ON. LARCH serves as a safe space to children living in East Hamilton that struggle academically, emotionally, socially and financially.  Students at LARCH come from all countries and cultures, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Haiti, Iraq, Somalia, Germany, Indigenous to name a few. Link: http://larchafterschoolprogram.com/

I had the privilege of volunteering as a tutor to these incredible kids while I was in University and can first hand say how amazing this program is, and the sense of security and empowerment that LARCH provides to them. They have a highly customized program that supports each child with a 1:4 volunteer to student ratio. Apart from the tutoring and sense of community, LARCH also provides the families with financial assistance in various ways such as Holiday Hampers, School Trips, School Supplies, Food etc. I wasn’t completely sure this year how B4B would look, and how COVID is changing the way we continue to take on life, however I know that LARCH is in need of our help. They have unfortunately lost a lot of the funding that helps them assist these families as a result of COVID.

I would be extremely grateful and appreciative if you would consider donating to the cause if you have the means or are interested. If not, I would appreciate if you could share. The $5k goal this year is the highest target that we’ve ever had, the extra funding will help us secure new types of supplies that these children need as a result of Covid and potentially doing school online (headphones, white boards, markers, printer paper etc. to name a few). Additionally, I would also like to get masks for all of the children and other supplies that the LARCH House is running low on, which would be a huge help to them. For those who would prefer to send supplies instead, please PM me or email me at blerina.ago@backpacksforbrainiacs.com and I can coordinate.

Link to GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/backpacks-for-brainiacs-3rd-annual-fundraiser 

Although access to education should be a right to everyone in the world, it’s something many do not, nor will ever have the access too. Unfortunately, over 264 million children globally, do not have the opportunity to go to school. Link to learn more: https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/education-unesco-global-goals-access/

Despite the fact that the children from LARCH are fortunate enough to go to school, many factors linked to poverty such as unemployment, illness etc. multiply the risk of non-schooling and drop out rates of children by 2. I know that the sense of community and support created by LARCH has had an immense impact on the lives of those that take part in the program, with many of the children pursuing higher levels of education, and themselves returning to volunteer there too.

With that said, thank you to everyone who is able to support in any way, and I’m very much looking forward to being able to help out LARCH this year and to see B4B grow and continue to help more and more people out.

Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions, and follow us on Instagram @backpacksforbrainiacs and Facebook!


Backpacks for Brainiacs Team

The above photo is the LARCH After School Program participants, volunteers and program coordinators.